To Blog or not to Blog

I’ve been hounded by thoughts about writing down my thoughts for a while now. It’s been a while since my last entry on my doomed wordpress diary. Doomed is such a harsh word, let’s go with on-ice. Last post was somewhere on 2006. Yep, eleven years is a long time anyone can go without having a creative outlet. Many has happened since then. I graduated university, visited Dhaka again, got a job, left that job, got another job, got married, and have a beautiful baby girl. But none of it was written down. It’s as if for that certain period in my life, I was hitting a wall in terms of my writing. A lot of ideas, and just not enough will to jut them down.

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Between season 2 and season 3 of Rick and Morty, Mr. Poopy Butthole graduated from college, got married and is blessed with a kid. Much like me…..

My recent activities includes making cringey memes on 9gag and commenting on food vlogs in YouTube. And that’s just about it, 9gag and Youtube. My social internet activities could only be limited to those two sites.

I’ve long forsaken Facebook ever since WhatsApp sufficed my communication needs. And once you’ve a family to look after, you don’t really have much time looking for attention on the internet. Let alone post whatever’s in your mind, pictures of your meals you’d readily share online but not in real life, and those baby pictures people don’t go gaga on like they do on cat pics.

Mark Zuckerberg, frustrated that a lot of facebook users don’t want to share their phone numbers on the site, took matters into his hands and bought the whatsapp App to acquire the last bastion of personal information left to the modern age of technology: our holy phone number. And with improvements in each update, recently being the instagram like status update. So yeah, basically nowadays, if you do have a smartphone, you’re basically an open book to anyone who has your phone number. Goodbye privacy, goodbye personal information and goodbye random ads. Everything now is tailored to your search queries, your internet activities, and those blasted cookies we can’t get rid of.

So in the spirit of openness, I’m willing to share with you some my own personal thoughts on day to day things like work, food, family, travel, religion, politics etc. Just so that we could get an idea that we’re all not too different after all. Human beings as a species with all their needs and priorities can be summarized down to the following: to have the right to live their lives in any way they see fit, to raise a family and children in peace, and to die having lived a meaningful life.

So to all you avid readers out there who don’t mind another blogger bitchin about how hard things are going his way, you’re very much welcome to read on and navigate the ups and downs of this particular person’s existence. Life is an adventure, whether it’s mundane or epic. Everybody has have their fate written out for them. We’re just living it chapter by chapter.

2 thoughts on “To Blog or not to Blog

  1. Hey I’m mr Meeseeks look at me! I don’t mind you talking about your life on here! That’s what blogging is all about! Oooh weee.

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